簡介 | Introduction
現場灣仔 - 國際藝術家交流工作坊(香港)
The AiR Association Limited (AiR)將會在2005年4月邀請十二位海外及十二位本地藝術家,參與這次國際藝術家交流工作坊。這兩星期工作坊以灣仔舊區作舞台,不同文化背景的藝術家將聚首一起,探索新的意念、擴展創作的疆域。工作坊既是文化交流的機會,也是創意即興互碰的實驗室。我們將設有工作室開放時間,讓公眾與藝術家傾談,而整個工作坊的過程及成果,將於五月初為期三個星期的展覽中展出。
國際藝術家交流工作坊(香港)屬於英國Triangle Arts Trust發起的一個國際性的藝術家工作坊聯網的成員。工作坊聯網創始於1982年,已於全球協助舉辦了超過90次工作坊,參與藝術家達2,500人。今年首次於香港舉辦,The AiR Association Limited希望能夠發展一個創新的、結合藝術家進駐及都市更新的計劃,並發展為持續性的運作模式,拓展到其他地區舉行。
RE: Wanchai
Hong Kong International Artists’ Workshop
In April 2005, twelve overseas artists and twelve Hong Kong artists will be invited to take part in Hong Kong International Artists’ Workshop (HKIAW), hosted by The AiR Association Limited in the heart of old Wan Chai. In the two-week’s workshop, the artists from diverse cultural background will engage each other to explore new ideas and expand the boundaries of their practice. The workshop will serve as a stimulating platform for cultural exchange and a laboratory for intensive art jamming. The process and result will be displayed in the three-week public exhibition that follows.
Not only HKIAW is an experimentation in art practice, but also one in social process. The project engages itself in the livelihood of the district. The participating artists are encouraged to respond to the specific history and aura of Wan Chai, and to employ local resources, such as the knowledge of the Wan Chai population and craftsmen. To facilitate this, HKIAW works with St. James’ Settlement, the project co-presenter, in a number of outreach activities. One of these is a “buddy system” among the artists, local community and students, through which a three-way partnership and interface will be formed. The organizers will also involve local shops and restaurants in a cultural tour programme. HKIAW is unique in its choice of venue - in Wanchai - an area at a time of undergoing mass urban re-generation, while it's operation ties up the local socio-economic system.
The Hong Kong International Artists Workshop will be part of the international network of workshops developed by the Triangle Arts Trust. Started in 1982 in UK, the Workshop network has hosted 90 events worldwide with 2,500 artists taking part. This is the first time that it is held in Hong Kong. AiR hopes that the pilot project can establish an experimental and repeatable model of artist-in-residence programme and urban re-generation.
場地及交通 | Venue location and Transportation
Address: 245 Queen's Road East, Wanchai (Junction of Queen's Road East and Stone Nullah Street)
Tel: 8201 1500
AiR 灣仔角樓展場
地址:灣仔皇后大道東245號 (皇后大道東及石水渠街交界)
電話:8201 1500
1, 2, 5, 5B, 5X, 8X, 11, 23, 23A, 25, 26, 37A, 40, 40M, 46X, 75, 90, 97, N8X, N11, N90
101, 103, 111, 115, 182, 309, 601, 603, 641, 680, 681, 690, 691, 905, 914, 960, 961, 962, 968, 969, N121, N680, N691, N692, N969
37B, 75, 90, 97, 590A, N90
5A, 6, 6A, 6X, 10, 15, 61, 64, 66, 90C, N6
109, 113電車:任何往返西環堅尼地城或上環西港城,至銅鑼灣或跑馬地的電車,可於灣仔莊士頓道下車渡海輪:
電話:2529 0087
電話:2815 1112
電話:2582 0000
電話:2517 4620
電話:2525 7949
電話:2835 4368
Suggested Transportation
MTR :Island Line - Wanchai Station, A3 ExitBus :Bus no. via Hennessey Road –
1, 2, 5, 5B, 5X, 8X, 11, 23, 23A, 25, 26, 37A, 40, 40M, 46X, 75, 90, 97, N8X, N11, N90
Corss-tunnel bus no. via Hennessey Road –
101, 103, 111, 115, 182, 309, 601, 603, 641, 680, 681, 690, 691, 905, 914, 960, 961, 962, 968, 969, N121, N680, N691, N692, N969
Bus no. via Johnston Road –
37B, 75, 90, 97, 590A, N90
Bus no. via Queen’s Road East –
5A, 6, 6A, 6X, 10, 15, 61, 64, 66, 90C, N6
Corss-tunnel bus no. via Queen’s Road East –
109, 113Tram :Trams from Kennedy Town or Western Market to Causeway Bay or Happy Valley would pass through Wanchai.Ferry :Star Ferry between Tsim Sha Tsui to Wanchai
Star Ferry between Hunghom to Wanchai
Other Venues
Unit 14, Cattle Depot Artists Village, Ma Tau Kok Road, To Kwa Wan, Kowloon
Tel : 2529 0087
Artist Commune
Unit 12, Cattle Depot Artists Village, Ma Tau Kok Road, To Kwa Wan, Kowloon
Asia Art Archive
No 8, 2/F, 181 Hollywood Rd, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong
Tel : 2815 1112
Hong Kong Arts Centre
2 Harbour Road, Wanchai
Tel : 2582 0000
Para/Site Art Space
4, Po Yan Road, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong
Tel : 2517 4620
Pottery Workshop
2 Lower Albert Road, Central, Hong Kong
Tel : 2525 7949
Fung Ping Shan Gallery, University Museum and Art Gallery
94 Bonham Road, Hong Kong University, Pokfulam, Hong Kong
St James’ Settlement
85 Stone Nullah Lane, Wanchai, Hong Kong
Tel : 2835 4368
主辦 Presenter
The AiR Association Limited (香港 HK)
合辦 Co-presenters
(英國 UK)
資助 Supported by
N T Lab
合作媒體 Media Partner
The AiR Association Limited (HK)
Tel: 8201 1500
Fax: 3158 6766 / 2715 7826
email: admin@hkair.org
Add: 245 Queen's Road East, Wanchai
(Junction of Queen's Road East and Stone Nullah Street)
The AiR Association Limited (香港)
電話:8201 1500
傳真:3158 6766 / 2715 7826