2024, March 26-30.

ABHK, Level 1 Concourse, outside Hall 1B.

"It's not a cloud blocking your mountain, it's your vision blocking the mountain." - Jaffa Lam (Visual Arts, ACC 2006)

This rubber stamp is inspired by Jaffa Lam's 2023 installation in Japan, "Seek Your Mountain.” It features fabric suspended from bamboo frames, waving in the wind and creating different perspectives of Mount Fuji looming in the background. The textiles are frayed, in a material that might not be seen to have much market value, a nod to her frequent engagement with sustainability as a theme.

Jaffa is a Hong Kong-based sculptor best known for large-scale, site-specific mixed-media works. She often explores issues related to her hometown's culture, history, society, and current affairs.

After receiving a Désirée and Hans Michael Jebsen Fellowship from ACC in 2006, she made her first visit to the United States to meet with artists and curators.

For a suggested donation of HKD200, visitors to our booth at Art Basel Hong Kong will receive a postcard to personalize with Jaffa’s stamp (and others inspired by ACC alumni), to send anywhere in the world.

See you at ABHK 2024, March 26-30. ACCHK will be at the Level 1 Concourse, just outside Hall 1B.

#AsianCulturalCouncil #ACCHK #CulturalExchange#ArtBaselHongKong #MailArt #Postcards #JaffaLam #林嵐#VisualArts #Sculptures #雕塑 #裝置藝術

這枚圖章的靈感來自林嵐 2023 年在日本創作的裝置作品 "Seek Your Mountain.” 作品中的織物懸掛在竹架上,隨風飄搖,與背景中若隱若現的富士山合組不同畫面。作品使用了經受磨損、對他人而言未必有太大價值的布料。這也是她經常將可持續發展作為主題的體現。




Source:acchongkong IG 2024/03/06(