The Wind Shifts
Dialogues with Hong Kong Artists
8 May 2014 - 31 May 2014, Chi Art Space, 8/F, New World Tower 2, Queen's Road Central, Hong Kong
Hong Kong’s cultural history is brought to vivid life in a new exhibition featuring more than 30 of the city’s most influential artists. Titled ‘The Wind Shifts: Dialogues with Hong Kong Artists’, and taking place from May 8-31, 2014 at chi art space in Central’s New World Tower, the exhibition chronicles more than 50 years of art in Hong Kong through works from both key figures and significant artists that have remained under-appreciated until now.
The exhibition is presented jointly by Dr. Victor Lai, Associate Professor, Academy of Visual Arts at Hong Kong Baptist University and Hong Kong-based non-profit organisation Arts in Heritage Research, and features such luminaries of the Hong Kong art scene as Wucius Wong, Hon Chi Fun, Gaylord Chan, Chao Hai Tien.
‘The Wind Shifts: Dialogues with Hong Kong Artists’ is based on Dr. Lai’s book of the same name, in which he researched and documented Hong Kong’s most significant artists from the 1960s to the present in an effort to preserve the city’s cultural heritage and ensure future generations have the chance to appreciate the pioneers of Hong Kong’s now-burgeoning art scene.
藝術的價值在於甚麼?這邊廂 ART BASEL 在香港掀起一輪藝術狂熱,展覽開幕、講座等活動排山倒海;那邊廂位於中環新世界大廈的「風轉向」聯展,卻靜靜地為本地藝術風景描繪輪廓。
任教於浸會大學的黎明海博士,本身是藝術家也是學者。兩年前開他開始進行一個本地藝術口述歷史的研究,走訪四十多個藝術單位,更將會收編出版成書《與香港藝術對話:1960-1979》及《與香港藝術對話:1980-2013》。這次展覽,則展出其中 33 位受訪藝術家的作品,包括韓志勳、王無邪、梁寶山、周俊輝等等。
地點:chi art space (中環皇后大道中18號新世界大廈2座8樓)
Read More:
Arts News,May 21 2014