Liberty Twig in Tai Nan, Taiwan
2006 , Three weeks | 台南,三星期
Between Obstruction and Crossover
2006 International Windbreak Environment Arts Exhibition
2006 國際防風林環境藝術創作展
9 -14.10.2006
"Chung Hua" pencil used during my childhood in mainland China and Hong Kong
But I cannot found this "Made in China" pencil in Taiwan, only you could found is "Liberty" brand pencil. But the tricky way is, they transpose pronunciation directly into Mandarin "Li Bai dai", means " good for hundred generation"
Day after 10th Oct 2006, I found the huge newspaper heading, and also "Liberty" pencil from the bookstore.
I carved pencil into twig and stuck on the tree, you could only saw the work by climbing the ladder, in the same time, you could saw the sea view behind the windbreak.
Between Obstruction and Crossover - 2006 International Windbreak Environment Arts Exhibition|
阻越之間 — 2006 國際防風林環境藝術創作展 |
9 -14.10.2006
Day after 10th Oct 2006, I found the huge newspaper heading, and also “Liberty” pencil from the bookstore.
I was inspired by the “red tidal” March for against President Chen on National Day(10 Oct 2006)
and created the work related to “Liberty”
Ladder to heaven
Material: Liberty pencil, mankind, ladder by local craftsman, tree.
Site situation:
The windbreak is not functioning well, government built the bamboo fence and wooden path inside. The windbreak is functioned as a park for wedding shot now, you could hear the wave sound, but cannot see the sea.
My work:
When you climbed on the my ladder, so you could see liberty pencil tree and the sea.
Liberty pencil was growing from a tree.
you can see the sea view on the ladder.